Until you know specifically what you want to change, you will never have a destination to aim for or a path to follow.
Acceptance doesn't mean giving up or quitting; acceptance is about owning your currently reality, living in the present and creating a foundation for change.
Positive, long lasting change requires a destination that excites you. If it doesn't then when things get tough (as they often do) you are far more likely to quit.
Our brains hate change, it's energy intensive and has to be done consciously. So picking small, incremental changes you can do daily to get you towards your destination bypasses this resistance and builds a new habit before your subconscious even knows what's happening.
Steps, goals whatever you want to call them have to have some structure to ensure you know when you've taken them (and when to celebrate).
Make sure yours are
Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Relevant, Time bound
Dreams without action are just dreams, action fills your dreams with potential for success.
After all, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Lao Tzu
Make sure your dreams are BIG enough and your steps are small enough that, come rain or shine, hell or high water, you'll complete them day after day after day.
It's a cliche, but it's true, "Rome really wasn't built in a day".
It took years, now your goal much not take years to achieve but then again, it might.
So be patient with yourself and others.
Know that you'll have good days and bad and that all you have to do is focus n your steps.
Kindness towards ourselves and others helps us to stay on track with future focused thinking.
Know that change is simple but NOT always easy, it takes effort and some days you'll want to put in more than on others, it's part of being human.
Be kind and keep stepping.
There it is, the In-Cre-Mental steps to long lasting, positive change.
Simple, not always easy, and available to all.
Now all you have to do is start at Step 1 and keep moving towards the change you want.